Mugwort medicine

Mugwort medicine

Written by Shaelyn Lau 

Artemisia vulgaris, whose common name is Mugwort, is in my opinion one of the most profound healing herbs on the planet. The scientific name is a significant indicator of the magic that this plant holds… vulgaris is latin for “of the people,” and Artemisia stems from Artemis, the Greek goddess associated with the earth, childbirth and the full moon. Mugwort is also associated as an herb of the moon due to the silvery backside of its leaves. The common name is derived from the fact that the herb was often used to flavor beer before hops became dominant, hence “mug.” “Wort” is the old English word for herb. Thus, the herb in your mug, mugwort! It is widespread in its medicinal and magical abilities as well as its lasting impact and importance in several cultures across the world. She is, “the mother of herbs.”

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Mugwort is an initiator herb who demands full presence and respect, as all wise women do. I definitely credit mugwort as one of the primary herbs that has initiated me onto the “medicine path.” In my experience, she is a connector… a bridge that brings us deeper into the seat of our own soul and deeper into the natural world around us. A connector between the physical realms and the spirit realms. As she is a master of many worlds, mugwort teaches us to be the same. We can work with her to become more grounded, while simultaneously opening up to the more psychic aspects of ourselves. Because mugwort relates so deeply with perception, it has been an ideal herb for assisting me in shifting my perceptions of myself and the natural world, thus shifting how I act and show up in the world.

I am absolutely in love with this plant for the ways that she invites me deeper into the mysteries of my womb as well as my dreams. One of my first initiations with mugwort was during my pregnancy and abortion about three years ago. I had bought a mugwort herbal body oil that I would massage into my skin while healing postpartum. Her smell intoxicated me and I longed to know more. I learned about her affinity with the womb and her ability to bring on delayed menses with potential as an aide in natural contraception. I began drinking her as a tea and adding her into my womb steam blends. However, in the early stages of my relationship with mugwort, I would only reach for her medicine when I was worried about the possibility of a late period. I’d gulp down the bitter tea before bed with a pleading prayer, “pleaseee don’t let me be pregnant again.” As soon as I received my moon cycle, I’d put the mugwort away and forget about her until a moment of worry came to me again.

One night after a particularly strong tea brew, mugwort came dancing into my dream space. While the specific visuals of the dream are not clear, I distinctly remember the message that she gave me. It felt like a slap on the wrist. She said, “I will not work with you if you treat me as a western medicine, only turning to me as a cure or a band-aide. You must not expect me to work on a whim. I require deep presence, persistent relating, and foundational trust. We must come to know each other as within, so without.”

I woke up feeling ashamed, yet there was a passionate fire in my stomach that encouraged me to listen, that encouraged me to deepen my relationship with mugwort in an honest way. Mugwort has taught me how to love myself and my blood in a more honest way. By the grace of her, she entered my dream space to help me open new doors and pathways of existence and understanding. This is no small feat.

Mugwort’s magic absolutely demands respect. She demands presence and reciprocity. Yet, she is also patient and understanding. Above all else, mugwort is an herb that wants to welcome us into the realms that create the embodiment of presence and reciprocity. Whether it be through dream spaces, meditation, womb work, digestive support, antibacterial support, muscle support, protecting spaces/ourselves, growing the plant, or even wearing mugwort on silk, she loves to enchant us into a reawakening of ourselves.

I absolutely adore mugwort and have the deepest gratitude for the role she plays in my life. I am honored to be in relationship with mugwort in a way that is unique to me and even more honored to have her permission to share her by way of these silks.

One of our biggest prayers of the Silk and Earth Mugwort special collection is to share this medicine with mugwort lovers and mugwort beginners alike. By being draped in mugwort’s beautiful green leaves, you are already in deep communion with her. Whether you are just getting to know her, or she is a long time old friend, she is always casting the invitation deeper into yourself and the spiritual world that surrounds you.

May this blog and these silks be only a mere point on your journey with this plant, and not the final destination. I highly encourage you to do your own research on the medicinal and esoteric qualities of mugwort, and to develop your own unique dialogue with her.

The plants are always here for us and are simply waiting for us to welcome them in. We are grateful to offer these silks as a way for you to welcome the spirit of mugwort into your life, with mugwort grown from our backyard garden in Maui, HI. 

With so much love,

Madison and Shay


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